Lubriplate Automotive Lubricants Auto/Marine Guard ISO Grade 7, Mineral oil Moisture displacement, wet start applications Moisture displacement Rust Preventive Coating Excellent “wet start” product Dexron III/Mercon ATF ISO Grade 32, Automatic Transmission Fluid qualified automatic transmission fluids Superior wear prevention Extensive oxidation stability All season protection GPO Motor Oil SAE 40, Motor Oil Off-highway diesel equipment, farm machinery, 2-stroke diesel engines Protects against rust and bearing corrosion Good resistance to foaming and aeration Protects against sludge and varnish formation GPO Motor Oil SAE 10W-30, Motor Oil Four-stroke cycle diesel engines Protects against rust and bearing corrosion Good resistance to foaming and aeration Protects against sludge and varnish formation GPO Motor Oil SAE 15W-40, Motor Oil Diesel and gasoline engines Protects against rust and bearing corrosion Good resistance to foaming and aeration Protects against sludge and varnish formation GPO Motor Oil - SAE 30 SAE 30, Motor Oil Commercial mixed-fleet engines Resists breakdown under high temperatures Maintains oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimizes rust and corrosion Marine & Auto Guard ISO Grade 7, Mineral Oil Moisture displacement, wet start applications Moisture displacement Rust Preventive Coating Excellent “wet start” product Non-Detergent 10W SAE 10W, Motor oil Motor and general oil applications requiring a non-detergent oil High Viscosity Index High Flash and Fire Points Extra Clean Motor Oils Non-Detergent 20W-20 SAE 20W-20, Motor oil Motor and general oil applications requiring a non-detergent oil High Viscosity Index High Flash and Fire Points Extra Clean Motor Oils Non-Detergent 30 SAE 30, Motor oil Motor and general oil applications requiring a non-detergent oil High Viscosity Index High Flash and Fire Points Extra Clean Motor Oils Non-Detergent 40 SAE 40, Motor oil Motor and general oil applications requiring a non-detergent oil High Viscosity Index High Flash and Fire Points Extra Clean Motor Oils Non-Detergent 50 SAE 50, Motor oil Motor and general oil applications requiring a non-detergent oil High Viscosity Index High Flash and Fire Points Extra Clean Motor Oils Super 345 Motor Oil SAE 5W-30, Motor Oil Motor oil for passenger cars, light trucks Friction-modified for improved fuel economy Protects against sludge and varnish formation Good low temperature pour point Super HDS 10W SAE 10W, Motor Oil Commercial mixed-fleet engines Resisted breakdown under high temperatures Maintained oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimized rust and corrosion Super HDS 30 SAE 30, Motor oil Commercial mixed-fleet engines Resisted breakdown under high temperatures Maintained oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimized rust and corrosion Super HDS 40 SAE 40, Motor oil Off-highway diesel equipment, farm machinery, 2-stroke diesel engines Resisted breakdown under high temperatures Maintained oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimized rust and corrosion Super HDS 50 SAE 50, Motor oil Off-highway diesel equipment, farm machinery, 2-stroke diesel engines Resisted breakdown under high temperatures Maintained oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimized rust and corrosion Super HDS 5W-20 SAE 5W-20, Motor oil Passenger cars, light trucks and sport utility vehicles Resisted breakdown under high temperatures Maintained oil pressure under heavy load conditions Minimized rust and corrosion UTF Biobased Green ISO Grade 46, Mineral oil LUBRIPLATE UTF Biobased Green is an ultimately biodegradable1 , multi-grade lubricant that can be used in agricultural, industrial and construction equipment and has proven field performance. Environmentally responsible Anti-wear, anti-rust Ultimately biodegradable UTF Oil ISO Grade 68, Universal Transmission Fluid transmissions, final drives, and hydraulic systems of tractors All-season Keep transmissions clean